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Thank you for your interest in joining the team of top-tier mental health professionals who are amplifying their voices on

For more than 40 years, our publishing partners at PESI and Psychotherapy Networker have been helping authors like you launch and grow their careers. We’re thrilled to build on their expertise with

This is your chance to share your story, expand your practice, and broaden your community of followers.

What we’re looking for

Our goal is to push the conversation forward with articles on therapy success stories, strategies for living well, lessons learned in the therapy room, the latest mental health research, how to end stigmas, and more.

Because covers a wide range of topics in mental health and human behavior, we’re open to authors of all backgrounds, specialties, and therapeutic modalities.

Submission guidelines

We’ll be frank with you: Writing for takes effort. We want to publish your best work, and we’ll push you to get there. If your article is accepted, you’ll receive extensive feedback from our team of editors and fellow licensed mental health professionals.

Becoming a contributor is also rewarding. Thousands of your peers—and potential employers, clients, and publishers—will read your work.

Here’s what you need to know:

  • We accept only original content.
  • Published pieces generally run 1,000 words maximum, though there may be exceptions.
  • All treatment practices referenced must be grounded in scientific research and evidence-based practices.

There may be a tiny voice in your head saying, “Wow! This sounds amazing, but I don’t know the first thing about writing.” We hear that a lot, and we’re here to help. Our team of editors and experts will collaborate with you to bring your vision to the page.

Ready to advance your career and share your expertise with the world? Using the form below, please introduce yourself and share your ideas with us. We’ll review your materials and be in touch about how we might be able to work together.