What type of therapists can be found on therapist.com?
At therapist.com, we’re always looking to expand the number and types of professionals we can connect you with.
The professionals listed on our directory currently include:
- Alcohol and Drug Counselor
- Art Therapist
- Counselor
- LCMHC (Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor)
- Licensed Associate Counselor (Temporary)
- Licensed Behavior Analyst
- Licensed Certified Social Worker
- Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor (LCPC)
- Licensed Clinical Psychotherapist
- Licensed Clinical Social Worker
- Licensed Creative Art Therapist
- Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker (LICSW)
- Licensed Independent Social Worker-Clinical Practice (LISW-CP)
- Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
- Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor (LPCC)
- Licensed Professional Counselor
- Licensed Professional Counselor (Provisional)
- Licensed Professional Counselor Candidate
- Licensed Professional Counselor Intern
- Licensed Professional Educational Psychologist
- Licensed School Counselor
- Licensed Senior Psychological Examiner
- Limited Licensed Professional Counselor
- LMHC (Licensed Mental Health Counselor)
- LPC Associate (Licensed Professional Counselor Associate)
- Marriage and Family Therapist
- Marriage and Family Therapist Associate
- Marriage and Family Therapist Intern
- Nurse Practitioner
- Occupational Therapist
- Pastoral Counselor
- Pyhsician
- Physician’s Assistant
- Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner
- Psychiatric Nurse
- Psychiatrist
- Psychoanalyst – Licensed
- Psychologist
- Psychologist – Limited License
- Psychologist Associate
- Registered Psychotherapist
- Sex Offender Treatment Provider – Licensed
- Social Worker
- Social Worker Intern
Pre-license practitioners, associates, and interns practicing under the supervision of a board-approved supervisor may be listed on therapist.com.